

Schloss Schönburn

Schloss Schönburn was founded in 2017 and is the official Austrian regional burn, meaning that it is a multi-day participatory event that follows the principles

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Schloss Schönburn


Schloss Schönburn – The Austrian Burn in 2019 took place from the 18th to the 22nd of September at Schloss Wetzlas, a classicist manor house surrounded by a big, green Park placed in Lower Austria. In total there were 300 participants who funded around 20 different art projects such as “The Magical Interactivator” or the “Open Jam Stage” and 8 food dreams like “The wandering buffet” or the “Vegan Wonderland Bakery”. Read more about this specific event here:

Vienna Burning Ball


Vienna Burning Ball – The Vienna Burning Ball took place on the 2nd of February in 2019 from 8 pm till 6 am in the morning and had the motto “A Brave New World”. The 650 attendees celebrated at the Nordbahnhalle, a former train station that is no longer in use. The event was characterized by a display of “Artefacts of the Burning Republic”, workshops, different music genres and more: 

Schloss Schönburn


Schloss Schönburn – Even in times of COVID, Schloss Schönburn took place from the 23rd to the 27th of September again at Schloss Wetzlas – but with very carefully curated safety guidelines to protect all the 104 participants. Funded dreams like “The magical tea party” or an effigy burn that aimed to “BURN corona BURN” made this event unforgettable, despite all that was going on in the world at that time. Read up about all the COVID safety measurements and other funded projects here: communications / survival guide / folder

Schloss Schönburn


Schloss Schönburn – Schönburn in 2021 sadly did not happen at a castle, but at the blank canvas of Böllerbauer, a great alternative camping and event space located in Haag, Lower Austria. The 154 participants co-created a memorable Burn from the Sep 8th – Sep 12th, again under specific COVID safety measurements. The “Psychedelic Art Gallery” or the “Container Cinema” are just two of the 34 art projects and food dreams funded in total. Read more about it here:  
report / financial report

Schloss Schönburn


Schloss Schönburn – Schönburn 2022 took place at Böllerbauer again and the 120 participants attended from the 7th until the 11th of September. There were 20 projects (art, workshops and food) funded in total. The focus seemed to be on vegan food and dance parties this year. And the effigy burn was a “Burning Heart” that left all the Burners with a warm feeling in their hearts – literally. 😉 For more look here:
Burn Wiki / report / financial report

Schloss Schönburn


After two years, Schönburn would turn into “Schloss Schönburn” again, as we found a new location in Drosendorf, a renaissance castle located in Lower Austria. This time the 200 attendees were able to choose between camping and also very luxurious indoor accommodations, making this Burn a special experience. It took place from the 6th till the 10th of September with 24 funded art and food projects in total.
report / financial report

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