History / Facts
Burners.at was founded in 2014 in Vienna and is an Austrian non-profit association that promotes artistic and cultural events, art projects and artworks following the 10 principles of Burning Man. The co-founder of Burning Man, Larry Harvey, wrote the 10 principles in 2004 as guidelines for the newly founded Regional Network. You can read more about the 10 principles and their history here.
We want to show the individual and collective creative possibilities of the individual and promote them through artistic expression and participation in or co-creation of the association’s common activities.
As a legal entity, we organize the Vienna Burning Ball (“Decompression” event, usually in February), Schloss Schönburn (annual Austrian Regional Burn, usually in September), as well as the Burning Café Vienna, which brings together Burning Man enthusiasts and other interested parties on a monthly basis.
You can read our complete statutes here.
Team (Board & Co.)
Like most Austrian associations, we have a Board, Auditors and a General Assembly.
The Board consists of a minimum of four and a maximum of six members, who form the collective management body of the Association as defined in the Association Act. The roles of the Board members are defined as follows:
The Chair manages the day-to-day business of the association, represents the association externally and chairs the General Assembly and the Board.
The Treasurer is responsible for the proper financial management of the association.
The Secretary supports the Chair in the management of the association’s business and keeps the minutes of the General Assembly and the Board.
The following members are currently on the Board (as at 02.12.2022).
- board -

Tatiana aka Tatz
“I see Burning Man events as an extraordinary place, where you meet wonderful people, discover new sides of yourself, spend more time outside of your comfort zone than you would like to, and where you find opportunities for self-realization and participation that you have never seen before. Everyone experiences a burn in their own way ,because it depends on you how much change you allow within yourself. The Burning Man community has greatly enriched my life and I want to help others to become a part of this magical movement too.”
Burner since 2014

Toma aka tototo
“I’ve been involved in electronic music clubs and festivals since the early 2000s and was active in my university’s association for techno culture. Shortly before moving from Finland to Vienna in 2013, however, I withdrew from organizing events, right at the time the local Burning Man scene was taking off. I still VJ from time to time, but with the Austrian Burners I have fallen in love with community events, especially our beautiful annual regional burn, Schloss Schönburn.”
Burner since 2016

“While strolling around, sometimes I stop, look around and think to myself: Awesome! – For me, Burning Man events are like a trial run for a new society inspired by the ideas of the 10 Burner Principles. For a night, a weekend or longer, we Burners immerse ourselves in a colorful world of art, inspiration, self-expression and acceptance, personal responsibility and mindfulness, encounters and moments. We take these experiences with us into our everyday lives, where we gather fresh ideas and often work together on further art projects.”
Burner since 2017

“In or about 2015/2016 I was getting more and more disappointed with the direction current society is moving. More and more money and consummation oriented and that just did not sit right with me. In search of a chance to make a difference my wife and I got in touch with the burner scene in Houston/TX and have not looked back since. LNT, De-commodification, internal group support and much more have time and again convinced me to be on a better path than we were. I am looking forward to hopefully be able to make at least a small impact and help the people around us.”
Burner since 2016

It all started for me on an abandoned farm, with a simple tent and lots of blinkies. Two years later, I was involved in the organization and helped to dream, build and experience. On burns I find authenticity, openness, intimacy and surreal moments that are unique. The anticipation before, the ecstasy during and the warm glow afterwards keep me coming back. In the end, you never know what to expect, but often you find exactly what you need. The playa provides.
Burner since 2015

Burner since 20xx
Two auditors are elected by the General Assembly for a term of two years.
The auditors are responsible for ongoing business control and for auditing the Association’s financial management with regard to the correctness of the accounts and the use of funds in accordance with the Statutes. The Board must provide the auditors with the necessary documents and information and keep them informed of financial dispositions. The auditors must report to the General Assembly on the results of the audit.
The following members are currently auditors (as at 02.12.2022).

Georg Graf aka Schurlix
<Doesn’t want to use a photo>
Burner since 2013

<Doesn’t want to use a photo>
Burner since 2024
- In Memoriam -

Gregor Schmid
“I have enjoyed being an auditor since the association was founded. For me, a burn is the lived utopia of a better world. Just seeing the sparkle in the burner’s eyes during a burn is worth the experience. Transforming <3”
Burner 2014 - 2024
“Consent” Committee
The Association established a Consent Committee in 2022 with the aim of protecting our community from behaviors that violate the participant Code of Conduct and to ensure that future events can be held safely.
We want to create events in the spirit of the 10 principles of Burning Man, supplemented by the 11th principle of Consent, which allow for individual freedom and self-expression while respecting the boundaries of others and holding participants accountable for their actions. We see personal safety as a prerequisite for individual freedom and radical self-expression.
Event Committees
By a decision of the Board on the basis of a written application from at least three members of the Association, a committee can be formed for a specific event or a specific art or cultural project of the Association, which independently handles the event or project with a budget allocated by the Board. In addition to voting and non-voting members, honorary members can also be appointed.
- members -
Become a member
Anyone who wants to contribute to achieving the association’s goals can become a member of the association. You can apply for membership here: Application form.
Admission as a non-voting member becomes effective upon payment of the membership fee. The membership fee of currently €25 is due at the time of joining or on September 30 of each year thereafter. If joining after March 31, half of the membership fee is due, and thereafter on September 30 of each year.
The right to vote can be granted by the Board to all members who are involved in the Austrian or international Burning Man community or who distinguish themselves through their consistent commitment to the aims of the association. Every member with voting rights may propose to the Board that voting rights be granted to a non-voting member. The application for voting rights must be submitted at least two weeks before the next General Assembly.
The annual General Assembly takes place in November. The exact date and the agenda are communicated to the members by email in good time (two weeks in advance). Only members with voting rights are entitled to vote at the General Assembly and to stand for election. The General Assembly constitutes a quorum if at least half of the members with voting rights are either present in person or have transferred their voting rights to a member with voting rights who is present. A member may have a maximum of 3 votes at the General Assembly from transferred votes from absent members. Voting rights must be transferred no later than one day before the General Assembly. Voting rights are transferred by e-mail to vorstand@burners.at.
reach out!
To get in touch with us, please send us an e-mail:
- verein@burners.at (general inquiries)
- consent@burners.at (matters related to consent)
- burningcafe@burners.at (inquiries about Burning Cafe)
- schsch@burners.at (inquiries related to Schloss Schönburn)
You can also follow us on Facebook:
If you want to stay up to date and be informed about upcoming events in and around Vienna, you can subscribe to our newsletter here.