Warning: Undefined array key 1 in /home/.sites/436/site1639099/web/schoenburn/inc/auth.php on line 78 **Slack is the main communications tool to co-create Schönburn**. It is used by the [[Orga team]], fellow Schönburners, leads and their teams, co-creators who have questions to each other. Use it to communicate with other participants and organise stuff! You can **sign yourself up** [[https://join.slack.com/t/schlossschoenburn/shared_invite/zt-4a09pfdt-1T9IGPzBB0kKj0ZjdPtVLw|here]]. Once you are in Slack, click on the word **Channels** to the left. It will show you all channels you can join. Some of the active channels are #general, #dreams, #comms, #stages-djs-musicians, ... and new channels pop up every day. If you don't know where to ask, try #general.